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- MapEdit 4.1 - Wolfenstein Map Editor (c) 1992 Bill Kirby
- To use MapEdit, unpack the archive into the directory where Wolfenstein
- is installed. Type MAPEDIT to start the editor.
- Key funtions:
- arrows - select level to view
- Q - quit (you will be prompted to save)
- C - clear level (grey brick around the outside of an empty level)
- O - toggle object display
- F - toggle floor display
- Map window:
- Whenever the mouse is in the map window, the map and object data for the
- selected square will be displayed beneath the window. Clicking the mouse
- will change either the map or object data to the currently selected item.
- Legend window:
- The window on the right side of the screen displays the map/object legend.
- Clicking on UP/DOWN scrolls through the list. Clicking on MAP/OBJ switches
- between the map and object lists. Clicking on an item in the list makes
- it the "current" item.
- After each guard, there is a 3 character description which specifies
- what level the guard is, whether they are moving or stationary, and
- what direction they are facing/walking. For example, "1/S/E" means
- a level 1 guard, stationary, facing east.
- If you figure out a new object, you can add it's description to the
- object/map list by editing the MAPDATA.DEF or OBJDATA.DEF file.
- Each line in the file contains 3 items:
- 0000 0000 Objectname
- The first four digits are HEX for the object number. Right now, even
- though their are 4 digits, you can only put objects from 0000-00ff in.
- The second four digits define how the object will look in the map.
- The first two digits are the primary/secondary colors. The third
- digit is the graphic type, and the fourth digit is the character
- string to use if the graphic type is "text".
- Colors:
- 0 - black
- 1 - blue
- 2 - green
- 3 - cyan
- 4 - red
- 5 - magenta
- 6 - brown
- 7 - light grey
- 8 - dark grey
- 9 - light blue
- a - light green
- b - light cyan
- c - light red
- d - light magenta
- e - yellow
- f - white
- Graphic types:
- 0 - text (uses fourth character of graphic definition)
- 1 - solid box
- 2 - checkered
- 3 - solid box (primary) with decoration (secondary)
- 4 - checkered box (primary) with decoration (secondary)
- 5 - large filled circle (primary) with smaller circle (secondary)
- 6 - horizontal bar
- 7 - vertical bar
- 8 - two color box (used for landscape view)
- 9 - single pixel centered
- a - 3x3 pixel block
- b - 3x5 pixel block
- c -
- d - X (primary)
- e - rectangle
- f - arrow (secondary color indicates direction: 0=n,1=ne,2=e,3=se,
- 4=s,5=sw,6=w,7=nw)
- This program would not have been possible without Paul (Hosko) Hosken,
- author of WMAP, who figured out the original map file formats.
- Thanks Hosko!
- ---
- If you find any bugs, please send e-mail to:
- bkirby@netcom.com
- Thanks,
- Bill Kirby